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Nicole Brown Simpson's Death

Nicole Brown Simpson

The lovely wife of an iconic celebrity whose fame ranged from sports to broadcasting to movies, their love-hate relationship ended brutally, although he was never found guilty in her murder.

Nicole Brown was working as a waitress when she met O.J. Simpson.

O.J. Simpson

Twelve years younger than he, she didn't even know he was a superstar football player destined to also star in TV commercials, sports-casting and movies.

Their friends described a very deep relationship in which they were hopelessly committed to each other but dangerously at odds a lot of times.

OJ said Nicole had a split personality. Nicole countered that OJ was emotionally and physically abusive. She worried aloud that one day he would kill her. Reports of beatings to the police culminated with a divorce.

Nicole wanted to start a new life away from OJ with their two children, daughter Sydney and son Justin. But it was not to be.

Nicole Brown Simpson Crime Scene

She was murdered in a grizzly attack in which her head was nearly severed.

Nicole Brown Simpson Dead Photo

Her friend, restaurant waiter Ronald Goldman, also died.

Ronald Goldman Dead Photo

OJ was arrested and tried for their murders, but was found not guilty in a very controversial trial, in which his defense lawyer, Johnnie Cochran, told the jury "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit."

O.J. Simpson Trying on Glove

OJ was found liable in a civil case over the two deaths brought by the victim's families and later spent time in prison in a separate case, for robbing two sports memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas.

O.J. Simpson 2013