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Sharon Tate's Death

Sharon Tate

An actress and a sexpot who died in one of the most vicious and horrific crimes in American history, one that many still find hard to fathom more than four decades later.

Sharon was born in Dallas but lived in a half dozen cities growing up because her father was a career service man. After winning some local beauty contests, she morphed into acting. Here she is in her most famous role as Jennifer North in Valley of the Dolls, for which she received a Golden Globe nomination.

She married director Roman Polanski in 1968 and was 8 ½ months pregnant with their child when their home was invaded by the Manson family on the night of August 9, 1969. Her husband was away, but Sharon and a group of four house guests, including coffee heiress Abigail Folger, were brutally murdered.

Here she lies, dead on the living room floor.

Sharon Tate Crime Scene