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Sal Mineo's Death

Sal Mineo

He was a New York City kid, growing up in the Bronx. And after going to dancing and acting school, Sal Mineo made his way into movies where he played one of the famous "troubled teen roles" in the 1950's
– John "Plato" Crawford.

Sal Mineo teen roles

It was in "Rebel Without a Cause" that Sal achieved his greatest on-screen fame.

He also starred in "The Gene Krupa Story", playing the role of the famous big-band drummer. And Sal earned a Best Supporting Actor nomination as a Jewish emigrant in "Exodus", though he was of Italian descent.

But the movie roles faded in the early 1960s, although he played a stalker in "Who Killed Teddy Bear" with co-star Juliette Prowse.

In the 1970s, just as Mineo's career started to turn around, he returned to his West Hollywood home one night in February 1976 and he was stabbed in the alley behind his apartment building.

Sal Mineo dead

He was stabbed once, but the knife hit his heart, leading to immediate and fatal internal bleeding.

Sal Mineo dead at crime scene

A pizza deliveryman was arrested and convicted for his murder.

Sal Mineo death certificate

One of the first major Hollywood stars to admit he was gay; Sal Mineo is buried at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, New York.

Sal Mineo head stone and cemetary