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Rob Ford's Death

Rob Ford

The life and death of Rob Ford:

He was the Mayor of Canada's biggest city and caused a global stir because of some of the things he did and said.

Robert Bruce Ford was born in the town of Etobicoke, Canada, the youngest of four children or Ruth and Douglas Ford Sr. His dad was a very successful businessman and a politician in Ontario and young Rob had a comfortable upbringing.

Though he wanted to play football, his career was in politics and that's where his notoriety was earned.

Ford's cancer treatment continued and in May, 2015, he announced he needed surgery to remove his tumor, He said he'd be laid up for about four months. A get-well website garnered five thousand messages and later that year, Rob announced that his doctors had cleared the cancer.

But they didn't.

By October, 2015 another tumor was found and by March 17th, 2016 he was back in the hospital. Four days later, he'd been placed into palliative care, designed to give him some relief from the physical pain and mental stress. And the next day, at the age 46, Rob Ford died.

For more information, please view Rob Ford's arrest.
