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Enoch Johnson's Death

Enoch Johnson

If it weren't for HBO's "Boardwalk Empire" series, most people would probably have never heard of Enoch Johnson. The series creator's renamed their main character Enoch Thompson, starring Steve Buscemi (pictured below), and modeled their fictional "Nucky" as a political boss and racketeer in Atlantic City.

Steve Buscemi as Enoch Johnson

But the real "Nucky"…Johnson, that is…wasn't really too different from the TV Nucky.

In real life, he took advantage of his political position as the boss of the Republican Party machine running Atlantic City and Atlantic County and his organization was accused of being involved in bootlegging, gambling and prostitution.

But don't expect any TV big series spoilers here. There's no mob rubout in this Nucky's story. Enoch Johnson died of natural causes at the age of 85 at the Atlantic County convalescent home in Northfield, New Jersey.
