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Bob Hoskins's Death

Bob Hoskins

The life and death of Bob Hoskins:

He was a British character actor known for playing tough guys in roles ranging from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"…

Bob Hoskins in Who Framed Roger Rabbit


Bob Hoskins in Mermaids

"Super Mario Brothers"…

Bob Hoskins in Super Mario Brothers

…"Nixon" and "A Christmas Carol".

Born in Bury St. Edmunds, West Suffolk and raised in Finsbury Park, London, Robert William Hoskins' mother was named Elsie Hopkins and she was a cook and nursery school teacher.

His father, also named Robert, was a bookkeeper and truck driver. Robert Senior was also an avowed Communist and raised his son to be an atheist.

Bob quit school when he was 15 and worked as a truck driver, porter and window washer. He started a three-year course to become an accountant, but dropped out of that too.

Young Bob spent some volunteering in a kibbutz in Israel and also herded camels in Syria in the late 1960's.

His acting career began in 1968 in a production of Romeo and Juliet. His first major TV role was in an educational series which was set up to tackle adult illiteracy called "On the Move."

British Film roles followed like "The Long Good Friday" in 1980 and "1986's "Mona Lisa'. By 1988, he appeared in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"

Bob received a second Golden Globe nomination for that role.

And he played the role of J. Edgar Hoover opposite Anthony Hopkins in "Nixon".

Bob and his first wife Jane Livesey had two children: Alex and Sarah and with his second wife Linda Banwell, he fathered two more children: Rosa and Jack.

Hoskins died of pneumonia in April 2014 and is survived by his widow Linda and his four children.
