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Tom Magliozzi's Death

Tom Magliozzi

The life and death of Tom Magliozzi:

You may have never known his real name, because he and his brother Ray called themselves "Click and Clack" on their long running, very popular National Public Radio show, "Car Talk". But he reached more than four million people a week on more than six hundred radio stations across the United States, making it the most popular entertainment program ever on NPR.

Tom Magliozzi and his brother, Ray

Thomas Magliozzi was born in a mostly Italian-American section of Cambridge, Massachusetts. NPR says he was the first member of his family to attend college, earning a chemical engineering degree at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His brother Ray also graduated from M.I.T. and the two opened a car repair business.

Tom Magliozzi's car repair business

Tom also worked as a college professor and consultant.

Tom made his way to radio when he was invited to an auto repair discussion on the NPR station in Boston and ended up being the lone guest. The show's producers were so impressed with his performance that they invited him back the next week. So he brought his younger brother Tom, 12 years his junior, with him.

Tom Magliozzi on Car Talk

"Car Talk" was born and the two, who called themselves "Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers" had their weekly talk fests offering sound auto repair advice, laced with various jokes, one liners and other zingers. Here's a segment in which Space Shuttle astronaut John Grunsfeld checked into the show, calling from space.

And they weren't limited to NPR, as seen here on the Tonight show, with Jay Leno.

Tom Magliozzi on the Tonight Show with Jay leno

The brothers stopped taping live shows in 2012 and NPR began airing reruns and archived materials.

Tom Magliozzi is survived by his first and second wives three children and five grandchildren. He's also survived by his companion of recent years, Sylvia Soderberg.

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