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Jessica Savitch's Death

Jessica Savitch

She was part of the early wave of women TV anchors and her career appeared to be on an arc to even greater heights when a wrong turn leaving a restaurant ended it all.

Jessica learned her broadcasting craft at New York's Ithaca College, working on the campus radio and TV stations. She also paid her dues by working for some small-market radio stations before hitting the big time in Houston and in New York, at WCBS.

Then it was on to Philadelphia's KYW-TV where she anchored. She also anchored Frontline on PBS and finally landed at NBC News as a correspondent.

That turned out to be one of her last newscasts.

On an October night in 1983, she and New York Post Vice-President Martin Fischbein left a Pennsylvania restaurant in heavy rain. Fischbein was driving and went out the wrong exit and over the road's edge into a canal.

Jessica Savitch car accident Jessica Savitch car accident

Their car flipped over into mud, which sealed the doors shut. Autopsy results showed Savitch struggled to escape but couldn't, and she drowned. He also died.

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