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Ernie Kovacs's Death

Ernie Kovacs

A television pioneer, he was creating innovations on TV when people still had rabbit ear antennas and the shows were broadcast in black-and-white.

He started his life in Trenton, New Jersey and felt the pull of broadcasting early, starting at radio and eventually moving to television.

Known for his trademark cigar and funny faces,

Ernie Kovacs cigar

Kovacs created a stable of characters, like the Nairobi Trio…

And this very strange looking poet…

He also created cutting-edge illusions, like looking through a hole in someone's head

Ernie Kovacs illusions

Kovacs was returning home from a party on a rainy overnight in January, 1962 when he crashed his car into a utility pole.

Ernie Kovacs car accident Ernie Kovacs car accident

Thrown halfway from the vehicle on the passenger side, Kovacs suffered severe head and chest injuries.

Ernie Kovacs newspaper report of his death

Some speculated he might've been trying to light one of his cigars. One was seen near his lifeless, outstretched arm.

Ernie Kovacs tomb
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